The path to reach the entrance is eight hundred metres long. Once there, a journey into the heart of Mount Cucco begins. You'll be walking by stalactites and stalagmites, large rooms, labyrinths and tunnels to discover a world that you only dreamt about.
A walk through the centre of the mountain is the most complete experience to stay in touch with nature. The caves, where the perception of space is alterated by the lack of reference points, will embrace you into a silence that you've nevere experienced before.
Address: Località Pian di Monte, 06028 Sigillo PG Contact: 351 282 7335 Depth: 920 m. Altitude: 1390 m above sea level.
Reservation required.
Web page: https://www.grottamontecucco.umbria.it/
Minimum age: 8 years